Le monde de Belam


Trade GoodsItemOne pound of wheat1 cp
Trade GoodsItemOne pound of flour, or one chicken2 cp
Trade GoodsItemOne pound of iron1 sp
Trade GoodsItemOne pound of tobacco or copper5 sp
Trade GoodsItemOne pound of cinnamon, or one goat1 gp
Trade GoodsItemOne pound of ginger or pepper, or one sheep2 gp
Trade GoodsItemOne pig3 gp
Trade GoodsItemOne square yard of linen4 gp
Trade GoodsItemOne pound of salt or silver5 gp
Trade GoodsItemOne square yard of silk, or one cow10 gp
Trade GoodsItemOne pound of saffron or cloves, or one ox15 gp
Trade GoodsItemOne pound of gold50 gp
Trade GoodsItemOne pound of platinum500 gp
WeaponsSimple WeaponsGauntlet2 gp1 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsUnarmed strike--
WeaponsSimple WeaponsDagger2 gp1 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsDagger, punching2 gp1 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsGauntlet, spiked5 gp1 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsMace, light5 gp4 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsSickle6 gp2 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsClub-3 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsMace, heavy12 gp8 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsMorningstar8 gp6 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsShortspear1 gp3 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsLongspear5 gp9 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsQuarterstaff-4 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsSpear2 gp6 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsCrossbow, heavy50 gp8 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsBolts, crossbow (10)1 gp1 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsCrossbow, light35 gp4 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsDart5 sp1/2 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsJavelin1 gp2 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsSling-0 lb.
WeaponsSimple WeaponsBullets, sling (10)1 sp5 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsAxe, throwing8 gp2 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsHammer, light1 gp2 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsHandaxe6 gp3 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsKukri8 gp2 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsPick, light4 gp3 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsSap1 gp2 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsShield, lightspecialspecial
WeaponsMartial WeaponsSpiked armorspecialspecial
WeaponsMartial WeaponsSpiked shield, lightspecialspecial
WeaponsMartial WeaponsSword, short10 gp2 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsBattleaxe10 gp6 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsFlail8 gp5 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsLongsword15 gp4 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsPick, heavy8 gp6 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsRapier20 gp2 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsScimitar15 gp4 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsShield, heavyspecialspecial
WeaponsMartial WeaponsSpiked shield, heavyspecialspecial
WeaponsMartial WeaponsTrident15 gp4 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsWarhammer12 gp5 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsFalchion75 gp8 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsGlaive8 gp10 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsGreataxe20 gp12 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsGreatclub5 gp8 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsFlail, heavy15 gp10 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsGreatsword50 gp8 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsGuisarme9 gp12 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsHalberd10 gp12 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsLance10 gp10 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsRanseur10 gp12 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsScythe18 gp10 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsLongbow75 gp3 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsArrows (20)1 gp3 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsLongbow, composite100 gp3 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsShortbow30 gp2 lb.
WeaponsMartial WeaponsShortbow, composite75 gp2 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsKama2 gp2 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsNunchaku2 gp2 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsSai1 gp1 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsSiangham3 gp1 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsSword, bastard35 gp6 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsWaraxe, dwarven30 gp8 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsWhip1 gpSlashing
WeaponsExotic WeaponsAxe, orc double60 gp15 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsChain, spiked25 gp10 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsFlail, dire90 gp10 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsHammer, gnome hooked20 gp6 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsSword, two-bladed100 gp10 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsUrgrosh, dwarven50 gp12 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsBolas5 gp2 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsCrossbow, hand100 gp2 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsBolts (10)1 gp1 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsCrossbow, repeating heavy400 gp12 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsBolts (5)1 gp-
WeaponsExotic WeaponsCrossbow, repeating light250 gp6 lb.
WeaponsExotic WeaponsNet20 gp-
WeaponsExotic WeaponsShuriken (5)1 gp1/2 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorPadded5 gp10 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorLeather10 gp15 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorStudded leather25 gp20 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorChain shirt100 gp25 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorHide15 gp25 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorScale mail50 gp30 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorChainmail150 gp40 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorBreastplate200 gp30 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorSplint mail200 gp45 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorBanded mail250 gp35 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorHalf-plate600 gp50 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorFull plate1,500 gp50 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorBuckler15 gp5 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorShield, light wooden3 gp5 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorShield, light steel9 gp6 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorShield, heavy wooden7 gp10 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorShield, heavy steel20 gp15 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorShield, tower30 gp45 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorArmor spikes+50 gp+10 lb.
Armor and ShieldsArmorGauntlet, locked8 gp
Armor and ShieldsArmorShield spikes+10 gp+5 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemBackpack (empty)2 gp2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemBarrel (empty)2 gp30 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemBasket (empty)4 sp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemBedroll1 sp5 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemBell1 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemBlanket, winter5 sp3 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemBlock and tackle5 gp5 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemBottle, wine, glass2 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemBucket (empty)5 sp2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemCaltrops1 gp2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemCandle1 cp-
Goods and ServicesItemCanvas (sq. yd.)1 sp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemCase, map or scroll1 gp1/2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemChain (10 ft.)30 gp2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemChalk, 1 piece1 cp-
Goods and ServicesItemChest (empty)2 gp25 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemCrowbar2 gp5 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemFirewood (per day)1 cp20 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemFishhook1 sp-
Goods and ServicesItemFishing net, 25 sq. ft.4 gp5 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemFlask (empty)3 cp1-1/2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemFlint and steel1 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemGrappling hook1 gp4 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemHammer5 sp2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemInk (1 oz. vial)8 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemInkpen1 sp-
Goods and ServicesItemJug, clay3 cp9 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemLadder, 10-foot5 cp20 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemLamp, common1 sp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemLantern, bullseye12 gp3 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemLantern, hooded7 gp2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemLock, Very simple20 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemLock, Average40 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemLock, Good80 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemLock, Amazing150 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemManacles15 gp2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemManacles, masterwork50 gp2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemMirror, small steel10 gp1/2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemMug/Tankard, clay2 cp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemOil (1-pint flask)1 sp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemPaper (sheet)4 sp-
Goods and ServicesItemParchment (sheet)2 sp-
Goods and ServicesItemPick, miner's3 gp10 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemPitcher, clay2 cp5 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemPiton1 sp1/2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemPole, 10-foot2 sp8 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemPot, iron5 sp10 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemPouch, belt (empty)1 gp1/2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemRam, portable10 gp20 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemRations, trail (per day)5 sp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemRope, hempen (50 ft.)1 gp10 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemRope, silk (50 ft.)10 gp5 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSack (empty)1 sp1/2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSealing wax1 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSewing needle5 sp-
Goods and ServicesItemSignal whistle8 sp-
Goods and ServicesItemSignet ring5 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemSledge1 gp10 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSoap (per lb.)5 sp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSpade or shovel2 gp8 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSpyglass1,000 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemTent10 gp20 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemTorch1 cp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemVial, ink or potion1 gp1/10 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemWaterskin1 gp4 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemWhetstone2 cp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemAcid (flask)10 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemAlchemist's fire (flask)20 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemAntitoxin (vial)50 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemEverburning torch110 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemHoly water (flask)25 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSmokestick20 gp1/2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSunrod2 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemTanglefoot bag50 gp4 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemThunderstone30 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemTindertwig1 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemAlchemist's lab500 gp40 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemArtisan's tools5 gp5 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemArtisan's tools, masterwork55 gp5 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemClimber's kit80 gp5 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemDisguise kit50 gp8 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemHealer's kit50 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemHolly and mistletoe--
Goods and ServicesItemHoly symbol, wooden1 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemHoly symbol, silver25 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemHourglass25 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemMagnifying glass100 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemMusical instrument, common5 gp3 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemMusical instrument, masterwork100 gp3 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemScale, merchant's2 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSpell component pouch5 gp2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSpellbook, wizard's (blank)15 gp3 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemThieves' tools30 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemThieves' tools, masterwork100 gp2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemTool, masterwork50 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemWater clock1,000 gp200 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemArtisan's outfit1 gp4 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemCleric's vestments5 gp6 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemCold weather outfit8 gp7 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemCourtier's outfit30 gp6 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemEntertainer's outfit3 gp4 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemExplorer's outfit10 gp8 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemMonk's outfit5 gp2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemNoble's outfit75 gp10 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemPeasant's outfit1 sp2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemRoyal outfit200 gp15 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemScholar's outfit5 gp6 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemTraveler's outfit1 gp5 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemAle, Gallon2 sp8 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemAle, Mug4 cp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemBanquet (per person)10 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemBread, per loaf2 cp1/2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemCheese, hunk of1 sp1/2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemInn stay (per day), Good2 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemInn stay (per day), Common5 sp-
Goods and ServicesItemInn stay (per day), Poor2 sp-
Goods and ServicesItemMeals (per day), Good5 sp-
Goods and ServicesItemMeals (per day), Common3 sp-
Goods and ServicesItemMeals (per day), Poor1 sp-
Goods and ServicesItemMeat, chunk of3 sp1/2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemWine, Common (pitcher)2 sp6 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemWine, Fine (bottle)10 gp1-1/2 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemBarding, Medium creaturex2x1
Goods and ServicesItemBarding, Large creaturex4x2
Goods and ServicesItemBit and bridle2 gp1 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemDog, guard25 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemDog, riding150 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemDonkey or mule8 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemFeed (per day)5 cp10 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemHorse, heavy200 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemHorse, light75 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemHorse, Pony30 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemHorse, Warhorse, heavy400 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemHorse, Warhorse, light150 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemHorse, Warpony100 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemSaddle, Military20 gp30 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSaddle, Pack5 gp15 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSaddle, Riding10 gp25 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSaddle, Exotic, Military60 gp40 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSaddle, Exotic, Pack15 gp20 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSaddle, Exotic, Riding30 gp30 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSaddlebags4 gp8 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemStabling (per day)5 sp-
Goods and ServicesItemCarriage100 gp600 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemCart15 gp200 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemGalley30,000 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemKeelboat3,000 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemLongship10,000 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemRowboat50 gp100 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemOar2 gp10 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemSailing ship10,000 gp-
Goods and ServicesItemSled20 gp300 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemWagon35 gp400 lb.
Goods and ServicesItemWarship25,000 gp-
Goods and ServicesServiceCoach cab3 cp per mile
Goods and ServicesServiceHireling, trained3 sp per day
Goods and ServicesServiceHireling, untrained1 sp per day
Goods and ServicesServiceMessenger2 cp per mile
Goods and ServicesServiceRoad or gate toll1 cp
Goods and ServicesServiceShip's passage1 sp per mile
Goods and ServicesServiceSpell, 0-levelCaster level x5 gp
Goods and ServicesServiceSpell, 1st-levelCaster level x10 gp
Goods and ServicesServiceSpell, 2nd-levelCaster level x20 gp
Goods and ServicesServiceSpell, 3rd-levelCaster level x30 gp
Goods and ServicesServiceSpell, 4th-levelCaster level x40 gp
Goods and ServicesServiceSpell, 5th-levelCaster level x50 gp
Goods and ServicesServiceSpell, 6th-levelCaster level x60 gp
Goods and ServicesServiceSpell, 7th-levelCaster level x70 gp
Goods and ServicesServiceSpell, 8th-levelCaster level x80 gp
Goods and ServicesServiceSpell, 9th-levelCaster level x90 gp