JDRQ - Galaxia


Déesse de la richesse dans le panth�on Hélènien.
Titre:La corne d'abondance
Alignement:Chaotique / Bon
Portfolios:Fortune, Possession, Monnaie
Domaines:Competition, Greed, Wealth.
Symbole:Un signe de dollar jaune sur fond noir
Rang divin:Intermédiaire
You relish the chance to prove yourself against your foes. As an extraordinary ability. you gain a +1 bonus on all opposed checks you make.
Niveau 1:Remove Fear: Suppresses feat or gives +4 on saves against fear for one subject + one per four levels.
Niveau 2:Zeal: You move through foes to attack the enemy you want.
Niveau 3:Prayer: Allies gain +1 on most rolls, and enemies suffer -1.
Niveau 4:Divine Power: You gain attack bonus, +6 to Str, and 1 hp/level.
Niveau 5:Righteous Might: Your size increases, and you gain combat bonuses.
Niveau 6:Zealot Pact: You automatically gain combat bonuses when you attack someone of opposite alignment.
Niveau 7:Regenerate: Subject's severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 +1/level (max+35).
Niveau 8:Moment of Prescience: You gain insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save.
Niveau 9:Visage of the Deity, Greater: As lesser visage of the deity, but you become half-celestial or half-fiendish.
Source:Spell Compendium / Complete Divine

You gain a +2 competence bonus on Apparaise, Open Lock, and Slight of Hand checks.
Niveau 1:Cheat: Caster rerolls when determining the success of a game of chance.
Niveau 2:Entice Gift: Subject gives caster what it's holding.
Niveau 3:Knock: Opens locked or magically sealed door.
Niveau 4:Fire Trap: Opened object deals 1d4 damage +1/level.
Niveau 5:Fabricate: Transforms raw materials into finished items.
Niveau 6:Guard and Wards: Array of magic effects protects area.
Niveau 7:Teleport Object: As teleport, but affects a touched object.
Niveau 8:Phantasmal Thief: Creates an unseen force that steals from others.
Niveau 9:Sympathy: Object or location attracts certain creatures.
Source:Spell Compendium / Draconomicon

Add apparaise to your list of cleric class skills. You gain Skill Focus (apparaise) as a bonus feat.
Niveau 1:Alarm: Wards an area for 2 hours/level.
Niveau 2:Obscure Object: Masks object against scrying.
Niveau 3:Glyph of Warding: Inscription harms those who pass it.
Niveau 4:Detect Scrying: Alerts you of magical eavesdropping.
Niveau 5:Leomund's Secret Chest: Hides expensive chest on Ethereal Plane, you retrieve it at will.
Niveau 6:Forbiddance: Blocks planar travel, damage creatures of different alignment.
Niveau 7:Sequester: Subject is invisible to sight and scrying: renders creature comatose.
Niveau 8:Discern Location: Reveals exact location of creature of object.
Niveau 9:Antipathy: Object or location affected by spell repels certain creatures.
Source:Spell Compendium / Draconomicon